Monday, October 21, 2013

Silly English: Make-Up

Oh English, you're so silly sometimes! Like the way you have some words that are spelled the same and sound the same yet mean two very different things... that is SILLY!  And, it can be totally confusing to one who is new to this language and trying to learn it, like my kids.  It makes for some good laughs, like the other day...

We were walking to gymnastics class on a Wednesday morning, which is different than usual because normally we walk to gymnastics on Friday morning, but because Selah had been sick one of her class days we were taking a MAKE-UP class.  

I had been telling Selah about this make-up class for a week or so, letting her know that we wouldn't be going to the library on Wednesday morning this particular week because we would be going to a MAKE-UP gymnastics class instead.  She would often remind me that we could not miss her MAKE-UP class on Wednesday.  She thought about, and talked often of this class.  

Well, as we are strolling along the sidewalk, she sits up straight, looks back at me in horror, and say,

"MOM! You forgot to put on my lipstick, and eye stuff!!"

At this point I'm clueless, I have no idea what she's talking about.  She sees the clear confusion written all over my face and continues to explain,

"It's my MAKE-UP class! I need to put my MAKE-UP on!!"

She's exasperated...distraught...and I'm cracking up because it finally dawned on me that she thinks this gymnastics class she is going to on a new day is one in which you wear make-up to...duh, why else would they call it a MAKE-UP class.  

Then I just start stumbling over my words and defining make-up with the word make-up, which is helpful...but I finally manage to explain that it really means she is just redoing the class she missed when she was sick, which I think she understood, maybe, a little bit.  I dunno, but she wasn't freaking out about her bare, unmade-up face anymore...sweet girl.

This happens so many times throughout our days, so I plan to keep this "Silly English" thing going and make it a series, if I can remember...that's the key.  

Please feel free to share any silly moments English has brought to you and your family in the comments, I'd love to hear them!!    

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Bedtime Brain Busters

The older Selah gets, the longer the process is to get that child in bed for the night.  

When she was an infant I would simply bath her, dress her, read her a quick picture book, sing to her and say a quick prayer over her.  Thirty minutes, tops, from start to finish.

As she's gotten older, bedtime has doubled in time.  So, why on God's green Earth, I decide to add more to the routine, I just don't know...

Well, actually, I do know, I love spending time with her.  I don't get a ton of one-on-one time with her and those minutes right before I tuck her in and turn out the lights seem to be the sweetest of moments.  It's a time that isn't rushed and it's without distractions   It's just me and her, on her bed, reading, chatting, praying, giggling.  It's where I hear the most about her day, where she divulges all her innermost feelings, concerns, questions, thoughts.  She's also a pro at stalling, so I'm sure that plays a role in her willingness to let me in on her little world.  

I recently stumbled upon THIS blog, where this mom talks about those special bedtime moments. 

It encouraged me to keep that time unhurried, and cling onto that time with Selah like the way Owen clings to his coveted snack cup.  (Read and view photos of that here, it's intense...)  

I realize (but optimistically hold out hope) that this time is short, this time that she desires to spend so much time with me and tell me everything, all those details of her life that are important to her.  I hope with all my heart she will always desire to share her world with me, I learn so much from her.  

Anyway, that is why I decided to add one more thing to our bedtime routine: 

I'm sure there is a cuter, more creative name for this, but for now, it's all I got.
These are some questions I came up with, with some help from this website, to ask Selah at the end of everyday.  She really looks forward to getting to pick one out of the bucket, and she makes sure I never forget! I really, really enjoy hearing her answers and dialoging about questions I earnestly want answers are some of the questions:

  • What is your favorite part of the day: morning or afternoon? Why?
  • What is your favorite things to do with Mommy? Daddy? Owen?
  • How were you a good friend today?
  • What is something that makes you sad?
  • What is something that made you laugh today?
  • What is something that makes you angry?
  • Have you ever seen one of your friends sad? How did you help to make them feel better?
  • What is your favorite Bible story?
  • If you could ask Jesus anything, what would it be?
  • What is a question you would like to ask me tonight?
  • If you could be any animal what would you be and why?
  • When you are tired would you rather have someone read you a book or watch a TV show?
  • What is your favorite game on the iPad?
  • What is your favorite game?
  • Has God talked to you today? What did He say?
  • What is something you would like to learn to do someday?
  • How can you show someone kindness tomorrow?
  • What is your favorite meal of the day?
  • Who do you like to play with the most? Why?
  • If you could be anyone from a book who would you be?
I will keep adding questions and we will also repeat the questions because I'm sure some of the answers are bound to be different the older she gets.  I'll also have to modify the questions the older she gets as well.  Some of these things we discuss are topics we discuss during the day too, but there is something about the quiet and stillness of her room that brings out the best conversations.

What are some questions you would add to this list?? What does your bedtime routine look like? 

Thanks for reading!!