Wednesday, November 5, 2014

And Then There Were Five

Five, there are now five of us in this household, three kids and two adults, we are now outnumbered by littles...and I can't wait to see what this new life of ours will look like! 

Our newest little Treiber made his grand appearance on October 16 (his due date! he's very punctual this one!) at 2:25am weighing 7lbs 11oz (my biggest baby by a pound!) and he's precious!

The hospital stay was fabulous because we got to focus all our attention on Blake while everything else was being taken care of for us back at home, plus, the food was delicious, and plentiful!  I didn't so much enjoy getting blood drawn at 3am, but all in all, it was a wonderful experience.  We had an awesome view also, the sun rising in the morning gave a beautiful glow to the room, and pretty much every nurse who walked in our room mentioned how peaceful our room seemed. 

The kids came and visited a couple times.

Selah is head over heels in love with her baby brother!

Owen took a few quick glances at his little brother in between
trying out the buttons on the hospital bed and playing
with his big brother gift from Blake

Passing the time

It's been a couple weeks since we brought this sweet guy home, and I have been completely spoiled with help from my mom and husband, all I do is cuddle with this sweet baby bundle while they take care of the rest! Sure, I'm still getting up several times a night for feedings and changing multiple diapers, getting peed and pooped on and consoling a sometimes fussy newborn, but after doing this twice before I've got a few things figured out that took me forever to learn with the first two.  I'm much more comfortable with my mothering skills of a newborn and I do a whole lot less worrying and fretting about my abilities to keep this baby alive and do a whole lot more enjoying, it's wonderful!  This time is quickly coming to a close though because Daniel is going back to work and I will be back on as full time Mommy (of three!).  I have some fears about this transition, but I'm also looking forward to it, I've missed my big kids!  Speaking of big kids... I had no idea how big Owen was! Well, he isn't necessarily big compared to other kids his age, but to me, he now seems huge!! After changing the diaper of an 8lb baby and then changing a two year old...whoa, huge! 

Most posts about our survival to come, but for now I leave you with a couple fun pictures.

I can't even tell you how much I love this one! My sweet guys!!

Reading the Bible to Blake

We're HOME!!!

The fun sign waiting for us when we got home! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kaley,

    Congratulations again on your sweet little bundle. When I read your post, I thought what Grandma would've said. When you described your hospital stay it made me think of her talking about when she had me and my brothers and sisters. I think after having Scott, she was anxious to return home to her own house; but by the time I came around she was thankful when the doctor said she could stay in the hospital over night. She said despite having a newborn, it was some welcome R&R compared to being at home taking care of 3 other children! She also gushed about how sweet your blog was and what a wonderful mother you are! And she was right! Hope you enjoy this holiday season with your three little ones!

