Saturday, March 4, 2017

Fall Fun 2016

One of the outings I loved most while living in Austin, and missed the most when we moved away, was going to Sweet Berry Farms in Marble Falls. The last time we went was when Selah was two to pick strawberries, so when fall rolled around I knew our first fall family weekend had to be at Sweet Berry Farms for their pumpkin patch, I was so excited!! 

It was a little chillier than I thought
so shorts and jackets for the win

Feeding the goats was highlight,
and they probably would have stayed
the whole day if we let them 


Boys went on a train ride,

while the girls picked pretty flowers.

We ended the day with jumping!

The next obligatory fall activity we tackled was to carve a pumpkin, so I read the kids Pooh's Pumpkin and we got to work, unfortunately I didn't even consider the fact that pumpkins rot pretty quickly in the Texas heat so our Jack O' Lantern didn't even come close to making it to Halloween...still fun though! Next time I'll plan accordingly.

Another fall highlight is getting to participate in all the fall festivals.

Trunk or Treat with
Aurora, Bumblebee, and Optimus Prime

Big kids had so much fun on the rides

and little man watched and waved,
he can't wait for next year to ride!

Riding atop Daddy's shoulders works for now!

Took the boys to a festival while Selah was at school!

Snow cones!

Then the moment the kids had been asking for had finally arrived, TRICK OR TREATING!!
They're the cutest

Too. much. candy.
Now, for one of my favorite holidays, Thanksgiving!! I truly believe a thankful heart can brighten any situation. I'm constantly telling my kids any time they start to complain (about the snack in front of them, having to take a bath/shower, being told it's bedtime, picking up their toys) to be thankful. It's hard to complain when you realize not everyone has snack foods to eat, warm water to bathe in, comfortable bedding to sleep in, or fun toys to play with. I have to remind myself when I start complaining about household chores like laundry and dishes to be thankful for the people I do those chores for and that I have clothes and dishes to care for them doesn't immediately make those chores enjoyable but it changes my perspective for sure. I love a day that focuses on being THANKFUL! 

Blake joined me for Selah's Thanksgiving feast at school.

Owen's adorable card he made at school

We had some pretty special visitors join us for the week of Thanksgiving!

Eat ice cream out in the cold
is always a fun idea

Playing in the tickly leaves!

Got a new do the day before Thanksgiving and heading
down to San Antonio for a couple days

Playing with cousin Ella!

Out to lunch before heading back home


With Thanksgiving behind us...looking ahead
to Christmas!

Our sleepy crew

After we got back Daniel and I were able to
sneak in a little favorite!!
We tried geocaching, and failed miserably.

But then Daniel took me to a new restaurant he'd heard about
and it was DELICIOUS!!! 
That wrapped up our fall season and we were looking forward to jumping right into the joy of the Christmas season!! 

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