Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Milk and Cookies Birthday Party

Way back in October someone turned ONE! 

It only made sense that this sweet, sweet boy had himself a Milk and Cookies party. 

I went cookie crazy!! Who ever knew you could do so much with cookies?!

I found some fun cookie books at the library

I made some magnetic chocolate chip cookies with foam sheets,
and, because my teacher side just couldn't help it, they can be
categorized into groups of cookies with 2 chips, 4 chips, and 7 chips 

I intended to have a "Guess How Many" jar,
but there was so much else going on that I think 3 people
made a prediction, still fun though

I had a white apron for every child with their name on it
and fabric markers to decorate them

I also made 1 shaped sugar cookies for everyone to decorate (no pictures), so everyone had an apron and cookie to take home as a party gift.

Ohhhh, I just want to gobble him up

Has there ever been a cuter baker?! 
We of course had all kinds of cookies: chocolate chip (thanks to a friend!!), lollipop cookies, M&M cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies, Oreos AND Oreo truffles (thanks MIL!!), Nilla Wafers, and Keebler Fudge cookies. Oh, and cookies and cream cake. Pretty sure everyone went home on a sugar high. I do generally try to feed my household healthy foods, promise. Also, there were grapes, bananas, gold fish, and veggie (VEGGIE!) straws, that counts for something. We also had strawberry milk, chocolate milk, and regular milk. My kids were in junk food heaven for sure.

A dear friend who recently moved away made this
sign for Blake's Sip n' See, so I love that I was
able to incorporate it a year later at his party

I tried really hard to get a good picture of this cake set up
but, well, there ya go, the best I could do

Blake was actually napping during the first 30 minutes or so of his party and I wasn't sure what he was going to think of the craziness going on when I brought him downstairs, or if he would be overwhelmed and crabby, but man, he LOVED it. He instantly got his party on, grinning from ear to ear and jumping right in to all the playing with his friends. He's a people person for sure, he doesn't really know what to do with himself when it's just me and him, he likes his brother and sister around and if there's 20+ other people around him also, man, he's in his element.

We ended the night with dinner out at Saltgrass, because I needed some real food in my belly, meat, veggies, NO COOKIES!!
Showing me what superhero do when they wait for their food

I sure enjoyed celebrating this boy, he makes life fun. He has changed so much in just the past 2 months since this party. We went through a rocky couple weeks a while back with illness and teething, but he's back to his goofy, smiley self and can be found strumming a pink Minnie Mouse guitar, stomping his foot, nodding his head to the side, and spinning in a circle while jammin' to his own "la-la-la"ing. He still hates having his face wiped and screams at me every.time. We can't all be perfect.

Love you Blakey Blake!!!! Looking forward to this year ahead!


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