Saturday, January 9, 2016

Fall 2015

As we are currently in the middle of winter, it is so nice to sit back and remember fall...ahhh, fall, I miss you! I LOVE fall. Newly structured routines and activities, anticipation of all the holiday hubbub, cooler weather, long-sleeve shirts and boots, yummy smells and tastes of the season, extra family time...I love it all!!

And this year, fall started with a big change for our sweet Selah girl...KINDERGARDEN!! Unlike how I was feeling last year around this time, we were all so, so very ready for this next step! It's amazing what a difference a year can make! She told me tonight that as she walks down her kindergarden hallway toward to her classroom she "smiles, smiles, smiles" because she just loves school so much. She's always bummed when I tell her she has to stay home on weekends and holidays. Which, okay, yes, makes my momma heart super happy to see her loving school, but she could at least pretend to miss us a little! Geez! But in reality, it's affirming to me to know that she is where she is meant to be and that she finds so much joy from learning and interacting with her new friends. She's just growing up, whether I like it or not, and it really is exciting to see. I love the new experiences I've gotten to have as well, like volunteering at the school and meeting new friends on the playground. It's been a great experience for us all.     

Meet the Teacher Night

First Day!!
Walking to pick up Selah from her first day!!

It was SOOOOO hot and we didn't do it again for months!
I've enjoyed the time I've had with the boys while Selah is at school, we miss her like crazy, but it's a different dynamic when it's just me with the littles. Owen has definitely gotten some much needed extra focused attention and I can't tell if it is that or the fact that he's older (probably a mix of both) but he has gotten to be so mature and thoughtful and respectful. He makes our days fun for sure! And Blake just rolls with the punches and smiles his way through life.
protecting the household

Even heroes need to learn about the letter "B"
Owen started something new in the fall as! He practices once a week and has one game a week, usually at 11, or 12, or 1, or 2, or in other words at the WORST possible time for a three year old to attempt anything other than eat lunch and nap! Games weren't my favorite, but he loved the practices and making friends and getting dressed up and being cheered for. It was overall a great experience I just wish they picked more age-appropriate game times. Owen's favorite part was when all the parents lined up and the players ran through the tunnel and gave high-fives. Oh, and snack, of course. 

You would not believe how many times
I'm told he looks like the kid from Jerry McGuire. 

Cheering on big brother!
I mean, there really is nothing more entertaining (or frustrating, depending who you are) than watching three year olds try to kick a ball around a soccer field. The highlight of the season was when one boy, who was dribbling the ball, noticed his teammate run into his other teammate and fall on top of him, so the boy with the ball immediately stopped and jumped on both boys to join the pile up, I guess he figured if they were going down he was going down with em'! True team player right there! Had the sidelines in tears it was so funny!

Here's a quick highlight of how we spent the rest of our fall days. 

Daniel and I got the opportunity to have
a night away at a retreat with our church,
I wouldn't say we necessarily got a lot of rest
but we did have a beautiful time of worship and fellowship

Headed to school!

Exodus...the book we are studying at church, and will be
fooooor, years maybe? Good thing it's jam packed with God's goodness!

bedtime smiles

Boxes have been the toy of choice for generations,
and they always will be


This boy LOVES this Minnie Mouse guitar...loves it!

tuckered out

It's hard to see, but Selah's picture is up there
for getting an award at school for being responsible...
way to go Selah!

Burning some energy!

Building a rocket for "R" week

My little explorer

Still loves this swinging business

Chick-fil-a is always a special treat

My birthday was in September so we all went out to breakfast, my absolute favorite thing in the entire world ever that rarely happens but most definitely happens on my birthday and Mother's Day. 

Selah took this pic...not bad!!

Later in the afternoon we had friends over for a fun boys vs. girls scavenger hunt around the neighborhood that Daniel put together. The boys won, however, the directions said to take photos so, naturally, the girls followed the directions and took time taking quality photos whereas the boys just checked it off their list...sooooo you decide but I'm thinking it's girls for the win on this one! Then we all went out for burgers for dinner and came back to eat cake and just hang out a bit...perfect birthday celebration!! 

This little guy also had a birthday celebration which you can read allllll about his Milk and Cookies Party here

In October there was a girl's conference with my church that was a blast.
I always enjoy time with the ladies without distractions. This year's focus was all about being still, and resting in the Lord, and being intentional with how you spend your time, all things I could be better at for sure.

Mid-October I got into full on fall mode and we visited pumpkin patches and attended fall festivals, the whole bit.

Pumpkin patch with sweet friends

Having all kinds of fun at the bean bag station

Selah's school fall festival, where she giggled
the entirety of this bull riding experience

Owen's turn!

Another pumpkin patch with a pit filled with corn kernels,
how awesome is that?!

 It reminded me of the times my cousins and I
would play in the silos filled with wheat on my grandpa's farm,
such fun memories!!


big brother helping show him what's up

getting into it

sort of

Whipping up some pumpkin muffins for "P" week
Had a girl's morning with some craft show browsing
and Cracker Barrel

Had a date with this guy at the library
and then some frozen yogurt
For Halloween we had friends and family over for mummydogs and trick o' treating. We all went out for a quick run of the neighborhood, then Daniel took the two big kids back out to explore further candy accumulation opportunities while Blake went to bed and I watched the Worlds gymnastics competition and passed out favorite!!! One group of teens did a little song and show for their candy, entertaining! I can't claim to love Halloween all that much, but I do love seeing how much fun the kids (and Daniel!) have on such a night. 


He may not be sure why he's dressed up or why we keep
knocking on peoples' doors but he's having
a grand ole' time!!

Too! Much! Candy!
Now Thanksgiving, that's another story, I can totally get behind a holiday that focuses on gratefulness and family and appreciation. We hosted Thanksgiving this year and for the first time Daniel was in charge of the turkey. He bought a fryer and everything. I loved having all our family (Daniel's side anyway) over for food and fun!! I had a blast planning and preparing for this day!!
We never got around to carving a pumpkin or
decorating pumpkins for Halloween, so I had the
kids paint a Thankful Pumpkin and we
all thought of things we are thankful for and added
them to the pumpkin with a Sharpie.
I must say I enjoyed this type of pumpkin much better!

Eating lunch with Selah at school.
I love how her Native American name is
Singing Bird Selah, I don't know who came
up with this name but it suits her PERFECTLY!!
Always, always singing.

Thanksgiving day we had breakfast at auntie and uncles.

Daddy dressed him...

Kids helped me make these placecards that say,
"Whoooooo are we thankful for?"

Kid's table

Big people table

Dessert table...YUM!!!
Praise to the One who gives all that we have to be
thankful for, we are so undeserving, but He is
so good and faithful

The kids went on a turkey hunt!

Thankful board...
Also, I'm thankful for all those dirty dishes
on the counter in this picture because it means
I have what I need to make food for my family
(I have to try REALLY hard to remember and believe this one!!)

Playing "Spin the Turkey", mommy won! Whoop whoop!
I LOVE Thanksgiving, and I'm working at reminding our family that having a thankful heart is a year round state of being, not just a once a year remembrance, we have so much to be thankful for all the time!

Also in fall...
Matching PJs!!
That's one full head of hair Owen's sporting,
and to think, he used to look just like Blake!!

Starting to find a real appreciation for art

He loves it!

Owen learned that sticking a remote control car on your
head while little brother has the remote is a bad, bad idea,
he also learned that mommy will take a picture of
these types of incidents before offering aid.

Fairies do homework too.
We had a good friend take family pictures of us in the fall also, and although the process is always rather challenging and stressful we got some awesome pictures!!
On our way...he just looks so handsome!!

That smirk just about melts
me into a big ol' pile of mommy mush!

These people are GOOFY!!

Me and my girl!

Love him!

snack break

Yup, sums up their relationship quite nicely

That SMILE!!

Ms. SassyPants

This scenario cracks me up,
Blake's happily walking down this hill when...
Owen thinks it'd be fun to give him a little shove

then Blake tumbles flat on his face while big sister comes to help
and big brother flees the scene!

Poor Blake is getting a little bit too much squeezing
from big brother

Another snack break!

Where'd it go?! Is it gone already?

He's strange,

but he's all mine,

and I love him to pieces!

The struggle is real

The guy behind the lens that some how
got wonderful pictures out of our
squirmy, busy, goofy crew
Fall just flew by and we are well into winter at this point. Christmas decorations are almost all down and we've celebrated the arrival of a new year and as things are settling down I'm enjoying watching my babies grow and spending time getting to know them more and more and understanding what makes them tick. It's a fun job!! More about all that and the holiday fun to come!! 

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