Monday, September 26, 2016

Blake's Birth Story

Blakey Blake. You, my dear boy, are quite punctual. You came right on your due date, October 16th, 2014 at 1:42am. Pretty much every day, for weeks, leading up to October 16th I thought you were going to make an early appearance. I had all kinds of Braxton Hicks and it literally felt like I could jump or sneeze and you’d fall right out. But you hung out in there until the perfect moment, which just so happened to be right on time. Pretty impressive.

The night before your birth I started to feel contractions at like 5AM, except I really didn’t get too excited because, like I said, I had been feeling contractions for weeks. Weeeeeeeeeks. In fact, a couple weeks before your birth I was up all night thinking I was feeling contractions. So I was up pacing and getting last minute things ready and deciding whether this was the real thing or just a drill. Turns out I was up from 2-6AM for nothing because it definitely wasn’t the real deal. I took Owen to the pumpkin patch with friends instead of making a trip to the hospital like I thought my morning would go.

 I’m so glad Owen and I got to make fun memories before his world changed forever! 
Painting the pumpkins we got!

So, morning before, more contractions, not getting too excited, but then I felt another, and another not too far apart. And they felt different. “Hmm.” I thought to myself, still trying to remain calm. I decided to tell Daniel about the contractions at breakfast, trying really hard, but failing, to hide my excitement. As the day progressed I had a couple contractions here and there but really slow and dull. After Daniel got done with work we went to the outlet mall close to our house to get in some extra walking to see if that would help with anything.


We went home, ate dinner, got the kids in bed and started getting ourselves ready for bed. I was just so bummed that yet another day might pass before getting to meet this sweet Baby T3 (as you were called before you were born because we left your gender a surprise!).  We were laying in bed and decided to turn on America’s Funniest Videos before going to sleep and there was this one video (I can’t even remember what the video was about) but it reminded Daniel and I about a time Owen jumped off our couch onto his little hiney, thinking it was going to be so much fun and bouncy and soft, but then his face after realizing it was actually quite hard and painful to jump directly onto your bum was just so. funny. And he tried pretending it didn’t hurt when it really did…anyway, one of those scenarios parents think are hilarious and we were crying we were laughing so hard at the memory. Shortly after, we turned off the TV and I rolled over to doze off when POP! There was an audible “popping” sound and feeling and then a whoosh of liquid. Now I had never had my water break on its own before so I wasn’t familiar with this sensation, but that’s definitely what had happened. I was sooooo thrilled!!! SO THRILLED! I like to think laughter brought our little boy into the world.

We immediately called Daniel’s mom to come stay with the big kids while Daniel and I made our way to the hospital, at 10pm, same general time frame we went to the hospital with the other two, so funny to me that our children like to come into the world AFTER a full day, not after a full night’s rest, no.

Also, side story. Two days before heading to the hospital, Daniel broke his nose playing with the kids at a park. So he had been having a hard time sleeping because of the pain and right before we had decided to go to bed for the night he took some pain/sleep meds. He was a trooper that night but he sure was groggy and pretty out of it. Come to think of it, it probably wasn’t such a good idea for Daniel to drive that night, but it probably wasn’t a good idea for a lady in labor to drive either because contractions certainly picked up after that water broke, like really really picked up! Maybe we should have gotten a cab, but either way we made it safely to the hospital and they immediate wheeled me to the triage room. I told them I could walk and they said it’s not allowed if someone comes in saying their water broke, so I had to be in a wheelchair, which I guess wasn’t too terrible but I think I would have rather walked.

Anyway, we make it to triage and I’m leaking like crazy. Still. The nurses asked all their questions, we signed all the papers (I really hate that part) and checked to see if I was in labor, which they thought was pretty comical seeing all the leakage going on but, protocol. After deciding I was indeed in labor off to the L&D room we went! I got all hooked up and was asked more questions and poor Daniel was trying so hard to keep his eyes open. We decided to do another epidural with this baby so we waited about an hour for the anesthesiologist to come and in our mind, based on experience, we figured we would finally get a couple hours rest before baby came.


Like one hour later the nurse came in and started talking about how I was contracting like crazy, which I could kind of feel because the epidural pretty much only worked on one side. And when I say it worked on one side I mean it REALLY worked on one side, and not so much on the other. Like, I couldn’t feel or move my right leg for hours and hours after the birth, which was sooooo incredibly weird. And frustrating. I physically could. not. move my right leg no matter how hard I tried. I kind of hated it. But, that’s the price you pay for little to no labor pain, so I’ll take it! So the nurse checked and confirmed I was already at a 10 and this baby was on it’s way! She called the doctor and then we waited. Waited and waited, for what felt like an eternity. The nurse kept saying that it wasn’t like this doctor to take so long and she wondered if she should call again to make sure she hadn’t fallen back asleep or something. When the doctor finally got there she said that she had gotten pulled over for speeding and that’s when took so long. She said that in all her years of delivering babies this was her first speeding ticket! Crazy! Luckily the police understood her situation and let her go without a ticket, phew! I would have felt really bad if she had gotten a ticket to come deliver my baby at 1 o’clock in the morning!!

Everyone got situated and after a couple pushes Blake Logan Treiber was born at 1:42am, weighing 7lbs 11oz and 21in long!! It was extra exciting to find out that we had another son to join our family! I had been thinking it would be a girl and Daniel had thought it would be a boy…Daniel was right! Such a fun surprise!! There really isn’t a better one!

After they did all the things...weighing you, checking your temp, cleaning you up, etc. I got to just hold you and let you lay on me and try to feed you and get some rest. The nurses knew this was my third baby so they pretty much just left us alone and it was absolutely amazing. It was still the middle of the night and it was so peaceful and calm in our room so I just soaked up every single second. Since I had done this newborn thing a couple times before I knew this was the calm before the storm and I was going to enjoy all the sweet snuggles in the peace and quiet before everything got loud and crazy.

Shortly after the birth I got situated in the recovery room and Daniel was finally able to get some sleep. I dosed here and there but I was too enamored with this new precious life on my chest. Our window faced east so we were able to watch the sunrise and it was SO BEAUTIFUL!! I was totally in love. Oh it was just such a sweet, sweet time.

I know some people don’t like the hospital, but I gotta tell ya, I LOVED it!!! The food was delicious AND they brought you warm chocolate chip cookies and milk at 3pm everyday. Fabulous! The care, mostly, was wonderful. The nurse forgot my pain meds once so that was not so great, but overall pretty wonderful. I got some pretty great sleep, considering. The big kids were well taken care of at home with family and I was enjoying the one on one time with this new baby and Daniel.

I didn’t have to worry one bit about cleaning anything, cooking anything, keeping two other little humans alive and well, it was pretty much like vacation. The kids got brought to the hospital at least once a day to meet their new baby brother and give him some lovin’.

Eating Blake's birthday cake!

After the third night, however, I was ready to be in my own bed, use my own shower, and be with my kids. So we packed up our things and headed home first thing Friday morning! The perfect thing was that my mom was scheduled to fly in Friday evening…it was another perfectly planned trip! Yay!! Also, the hospital sends you home with a complete meal for that first night, which was soooo helpful! And it was delicious!!!

My mom stayed for a week and it was fabulous, too short, but fabulous. And then we figured out life as a family of five, which we have continued to do ever since.

Love you big guy!  

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